2024- The reason behind the thriving realty growth in the UK

                                                   By Shravan Gupta.

 The UK has emerged as the top choice of home buyers and real estate investors. Despite the Brexit, UK’s real estate market is growing at a stable rate. Some real estate experts feel the prices will rise more in the coming months.

Shravan Gupta, MGF Group feel it is the best time to invest in UK real estate. And this trend has been boosted by the visible increase in the housing prices by 4%. This trend is likely to continue till the end of 2025 and make UK real estate vibrant again. There was an apprehension that BREXIT may have impacted the real estate but apparently this isn’t the case. With the surge in real estate, the UK has emerged as the favourable destination again. There are several factors which have impacted real estate in 2024 and drawn new investors to the UK.

  • The property price’s hike.

Some experts felt the UK real estate market may slow down following BREXIT. But surprisingly, it’s the vice versa effect. Some analysts feel the real estate sales and rental income have grown by 5%. This trend is continuing to draw new and potential investors to the UK. Apart from the rise in real estate price hike there are some other factors too. The housing prices are growing in major cities like London, Manchester and Leeds.

  • Emergence as the preferred destination.

UK is slowly emerging as the favourable country if you want to have an overseas office or House. Most foreign investors are looking to cities like London to grow their business and attract more clients. Hence, the sales of offices will be on the rise in 2025. Today most people are willing to invest in a house abroad as it gives them a sense of freedom and avenue for a higher rental income. The properties in the UK are of premium quality and with a comfort factor too. People who want luxury and liberty may choose to invest in real estate properties here and reap dividends. 

The ease of doing business has drawn more people to open offices in the UK than ever. Shravan Gupta, MGF Group believe it is possible due to high investment value and transparency in doing business.

  • The rise in confident consumers.

In every country, Investor is willing to take a risk and invest in good properties with a high return value. Something similar is happening in the UK real estate market drawing more consumers to its shores. For any business, confidence is the highest boosting factor. The value of the UK real estate has elevated due to the high confidence levels. The housing loan affordability angle can’t be ruled out. As most banks are offering home loans at a lower rate prompting the first-time investors to look for the property. Shravan Gupta, MGF Group says it is easy to avail loan for new houses and offices at an affordable price. The sudden spike in demand can be attributed to the rising wages and low mortgage rates. This has boosted confidence amongst consumers and drawn buyers from around the world.

The conclusion.

It is an encouraging yet progressive sign for the UK real estate market making it a numero uno destination. People are more willing to invest here due to the promise of a strong yield in the future. And these are good signs for the UK economy. In some cases, a first-time borrower has the potential to borrow up to 4 times more at a lesser rate with a low deposit rate. Hence, UK is emerging as a favourable destination.

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